Las Vegas Part 1

Las Vegas Sky Line

Our trip to Las Vegas almost ended before it even began!  After Andrew and I made it to the airport, through security, and to our gate, we learned that our flight was delayed due to high winds.  About fifteen minutes later, they announced that our flight was cancelled and the next available flight to Las Vegas would be on Tuesday (it was Thursday!!!!!)  We started scrambling around like crazy people trying to figure out what to do, and we finally found a flight that was leaving the next night.  *Phew*  Crisis averted!

Las Vegas
Las Vegas
Las Vegas
Wearing:  H&M Top/Dress | Zara Jeans | Celine Sunglasses | Sandals

Wearing:  H&M Top/Dress | Zara Jeans | Celine Sunglasses | Sandals

Las Vegas
Las Vegas

Andrew and I had not been to Las Vegas before, so we made a plan to meet my mom there and have a few late birthday celebrations (mine and hers).  We spent the first day exploring the strip and all of the casinos.  And since our trip was cut short by a day and a half, we tried to pack in as much as we possibly could!

Las Vegas
Las Vegas
Wearing:  Zara Sweatshirt | Express Skort (Similar) | Aldo Clutch | Steve Madden Shoes

Wearing:  Zara Sweatshirt | Express Skort (Similar) | Aldo Clutch | Steve Madden Shoes

xoxo, L

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