One Year Down, A Million To Go

Our first wedding anniversary was on Sunday, and we celebrated all weekend long!  We had been looking forward to this milestone for a while now.

Saturday morning started with surprises from Andrew.  He still manages to take my breath away and make my heart skip a few beats!  It was the most beautiful day - which was much needed after a week full of gray skies and rain!

Flowers, donuts, mimosas - My hubby knows the way to my heart

Flowers, donuts, mimosas - My hubby knows the way to my heart

Since it was so perfect out, we decided to go down to the Seattle Waterfront to walk around and to ride the Seattle Great Wheel.  I have never been scared of heights - I was always the one riding all of the roller coasters.  Andrew, on the other hand, does not like heights at all - he would never ride with me.  So I was a little surprised that Andrew was so willing to ride this huuuge ferris wheel!  We got into our little gondola, and it started getting higher and higher.  For the first few minutes, we were both very nervous.  We tried to get our mind off of the fact that we were 175 feet in the air by taking pictures.  However, once the initial nerves wore off, it was one of the most fun things we've ever done!

One Year Down
One Year Down
We had amazing views of the city on one side...

We had amazing views of the city on one side...

And views of Elliot Bay on the other side

And views of Elliot Bay on the other side

One Year Down
One Year Down
One Year Down
If you're asking, YES, we are those people who buy the pictures - hahaha!

If you're asking, YES, we are those people who buy the pictures - hahaha!

After the ride, we ate some yummy hot dogs while overlooking the pier and Elliot Bay

After the ride, we ate some yummy hot dogs while overlooking the pier and Elliot Bay

After walking around the waterfront for a little bit longer, we decided to go to a local store called Archie McPhee.  It is one of Seattle's top ten weird destinations - and it definitely lives up to that reputation.  We had a great time walking around this store finding little oddities, trying on crazy masks, and laughing uncontrollably.

One Year Down
Oh deer...

Oh deer...

Just digging through my purse

Just digging through my purse

One Year Down
One Year Down

Sunday, we took a family walk to the Space Needle.  The area is so fun - it's full of restaurants, coffee shops, museums, theaters, and parks.  The dogs love coming here to walk around so we decided to make this a Sunday tradition for our little family!

This picture makes me laugh

This picture makes me laugh

One Year Down

We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing at home before dinner.  Although we technically could've walked to the restaurant, it was very cold out (and I had heels on), so we decided to try Uber for the first time.

One Year Down
One Year Down
One Year Down

We had reservations at a restaurant called Purple.  It was the perfect place for a romantic evening celebrating our marriage!  When Andrew made the reservations, he also told them it was our anniversary, so they brought us a complimentary glass of champagne once we sat down at our table.  After ordering our appetizer and main course, Andrew surprised me yet again.  He brought our vow books so we could read them to each other.  It was such a sweet surprise that made me cry (yes, my hubby is the ultimate romantic :).  It was great to hear and say our vows again after experiencing one year of marriage!  We had a whole new outlook on what those vows actually meant to one another.  We had the most perfect dinner - the food was amazing, the wine was delicious, but the company and the conversation was the best part!  We were having such a great time, we ended up staying for 2.5 hours! Ha

One Year Down
Our hearts and stomachs were completely full

Our hearts and stomachs were completely full

Our new anniversary tradition

Our new anniversary tradition

One Year Down

After dinner, we came home to have cake (year old cake, that is)!  Surprisingly, after my mom sent our cake across the country (thank you!), it was still in one piece and it actually didn't taste bad at all!  We ended our night and amazing weekend by watching our wedding film and reliving every moment of our special day.

One Year Down

* Wedding Film by JoPhoto *

I can't wait to see where our lives will take us.  If year one is any indicator, we will have some crazy adventures ahead!  I feel like the luckiest girl alive having Andrew by my side - I look forward to spending the rest of my years with him!  Cheers to one year down, and a million to go!

xoxo, L

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